He's Just Not That Into You
He's Just Not That Into You

I saw this movie when it came out, and underestimated its draw. I think the fact that it was partially filmed locally definitely helped. A lot of the people in the theatre would point out things they saw that were Baltimore- or Maryland-related. Quite interesting...

I definitely enjoyed it! I haven't seen a proper romantic comedy in awhile. The movies have kinda been stale lately. I guess it's all leading up to the summer blockbusters.

My friend commented that it wasn't as cliched as she thought it was going to be. I agree with her. They definitely covered a wide scope of relationships. My favorites are Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck's characters' story and Ginnifer Goodwin's semi-disastrous story.

It's definitely a date movie, and a certified chick flick, but I don't care. It was great to relax and smile and giggle through it all... I found the audience, especially the women, very responsive throughout this movie. I think people commented on mostly everything!

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