get through it
I didn't realize that I ended up putting this blog on hiatus. LOL :D Was a tad busy this Memorial Day weekend because I gave myself a mini vacation! :)

Anyway, back to reality...

When I was in Spanish 3, my teacher let me do the seating chart for our class so I put myself in the middle and surrounded myself with people I liked. And, I put the 3 annoying and very disruptive girls at each corner of the room away from each other :D

I felt like the class would be more fun and went by quicker than before I rearranged the seating arrangements.

My point is that I've been feeling quite down at work. It might be the weather because it's been a gloomy week, but after a year I still don't quite click with my officemates. I think it's because we're just not in the same phases of life... and because I'm not boring :P

It would be great to be able to rearrange our offices so I can put myself in an office surrounded by the fun people, instead of having to constantly leave my desk to see them.

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