This blog belongs to anne, a twenty-something girl who looks anywhere from 16 to 18. People say she's always smiling. One day she hopes to make a difference in someone's life. She likes blog hopping and reading about people's experiences. Her semi-addiction to shopping leaves her with lots of clothes and purses. She likes the color blue and prefers the temperate warmth of spring & fall, which most of her outfits are geared around. She loves to travel to different countries, which coincides with her love for world cultures and history.
about press play
This blog was created as an outlet for anne to write about anything and everything. Please don't take what's not yours. Thanks!
The original layout is from doughnutcrazy, with my modifications.
get through it
I didn't realize that I ended up putting this blog on hiatus. LOL :D Was a tad busy this Memorial Day weekend because I gave myself a mini vacation! :)Anyway, back to reality... When I was in Spanish 3, my teacher let me do the seating chart for our class so I put myself in the middle and surrounded myself with people I liked. And, I put the 3 annoying and very disruptive girls at each corner of the room away from each other :D I felt like the class would be more fun and went by quicker than before I rearranged the seating arrangements. My point is that I've been feeling quite down at work. It might be the weather because it's been a gloomy week, but after a year I still don't quite click with my officemates. I think it's because we're just not in the same phases of life... and because I'm not boring :P It would be great to be able to rearrange our offices so I can put myself in an office surrounded by the fun people, instead of having to constantly leave my desk to see them. Labels: friends, school, vacation |
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