Central Park... meh...

My friend wanted to check out Central Park so that was the first place we headed when we arrived. Needless to say, the south end of the Park wasn't really too exciting. I think all the good parts are on the middle part right around the big fountain and maybe by the Met.

Here's the shady bridge we were laughing at. Saying that in every NYC-set show, someone always gets killed underneath a bridge in Central Park. We were gonna warn those people, but we figured they would not appreciate it.

I fumbled for my camera trying to catch a pic of the parade of carriages so it's a tad blurry.

Then, we found ourselves on the jogging/running lane. People promptly ran and jogged around us, which was a tad embarrassing because our presence there caused quite a stir. Guess we should have been jogging or running as well, instead of just standing still and taking pictures :P

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