Dean-love on Supernatural
Since the Supernatural hiatus ended, I haven't had the chance to start watching it again so I set up some time to myself and watched the 4-5 episodes that I missed.

In the episode After School Special, Dean goes "undercover" as a gym teacher and provides lots of laughs while trying to get the kids to play dodgeball without rules. His remark — WALK IT OFF! — after one of his kids gets hit hard on the face with a ball has become quite the catchphrase between me and my friends. Fun times! :)

Anyhoo, the episode that aired last week, On the Head of a Pin, was such a game-changer! So many revelations and shockers! ♥ every moment of it! One thing I noticed though was the sudden appearance of a nickname for Castiel. Dean called him "Cas" and it seemed like everyone started calling him that too!

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