This blog belongs to anne, a twenty-something girl who looks anywhere from 16 to 18. People say she's always smiling. One day she hopes to make a difference in someone's life. She likes blog hopping and reading about people's experiences. Her semi-addiction to shopping leaves her with lots of clothes and purses. She likes the color blue and prefers the temperate warmth of spring & fall, which most of her outfits are geared around. She loves to travel to different countries, which coincides with her love for world cultures and history.
about press play
This blog was created as an outlet for anne to write about anything and everything. Please don't take what's not yours. Thanks!
The original layout is from doughnutcrazy, with my modifications.
anti-social weekend
I am having one of those weekends where I feel anti-social and not wanting to really do anything outside the house. My friend, Hem, wanted to see Confessions of A Shopaholic on Saturday. On Sunday, Coraline with Mev and Ebry. I turned them all down. I felt like I just needed to be alone. This probably came up because I had such a frustrating week at work. That place is beating me down. Too bad it's a bad economy or I would've left already. But, I am hoping to be gone before my third year there. It would be great if it was before that, but I think the 3rd year is the most realistic goal I can manage. Here's to a much better week! |
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