bring it on!
Jod, and I went to middle and high school together. She was one of the first Filipinos I ever met in middle school, and I was hoping we would be friends, but she seemed to make it a point to push down my self-confidence >_<

She used to make fun of me for eating Filipino food at home, while she ate “American food” like pizza, french fries, and the like. For someone trying so hard to not be Filipino, it's interesting to note that she was born in the Philippines and has classic Filipino features :P

Her latest “attack” on me was during Jade's child's dedication. We were sitting around a table eating and talking when she suddenly brought up England. She talked about London, the Underground, Big Ben, etc. and turned to me asking me if I'd been there O_o I think she expected me to fold, so I turned to her with a smile and told her that I had family there so I'd been there multiple times :P

I think I caught her offguard so she proceeded to talk about Paris next and about how beautiful the city was. I told her I agreed with her, but that I kinda liked Germany better :) She's supposed to have known me for years so she should've known that my dad LOVES to travel so we usually went out of the country during summer vacation. Take that Jod! :P

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