2009 Flower Mart

I checked out Flower Mart last year and found lots of cool handmade jewelry, but didn't really buy a lot of stuff. I checked it out this year with a friend since it was near our work and we were on the hunt for Mother's Day gifts.

It was overcast and drizzling when it started so there weren't many people out and about. It wasn't until around 5.30 or so that it started to fill with A LOT of people.

I got a kick out of this stand so I took a picture of it. I didn't buy anything from them though. I bought funnel cakes :D from the stand across from it.

This is my attempt at being artsy, but I couldn't get a better shot without backing into some vendor stands. Hahaha :D

(The official website has their own bunch of pictures.)

I walked away with just 2 handmade earrings: one for me and one for my friend for Mother's Day. I'm heading to NYC this weekend so I'm hoping to get more stuff there :)

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